#WoD Wednesday: Leprechaun of Legend (Changeling Edition)

The Leprechaun, originally, is not quite as portrayed in modern art.

"He is about three feet high, and is dressed in a little red jacket or

roundabout, with red breeches buckled at the knee, gray or black

stockings, and a hat, cocked in the style of a century ago, over a little, old,

withered face. Round his neck is an Elizabethan ruff, and frills of lace are

at his wrists. "

 A solitary fairy who often makes shoes, and occasionally

raids wine and beer cellars (it is when drunk that they are referred to as

clurichauns) it possesses three treasures of note.

First, it carries a shillelagh, a knobbed walking stick or club it enhances

with its magic. Second, it carries a purse that always contains a single

silver piece...no matter how many are taken out and spent. Third, it has a

vast hoard of gold and gems, that it hides "at the end of the rainbow" ,

their personal Hollow in the Hedge.

If caught, it will do nearly anything to avoid giving up its hoard, offering

first the stick, then the pouch, then , if capable, it will offer one or more

actual _wishes_ to ransom itself, before finally offering its gold if all these

are refused. If it does, it will take its captor to the demiplane, and give

them the small black pot which can magically hold any amount of

treasure, but only treasure, and all the wealth within, before returning

their captor to the mortal world.

With Dnd and Changeling the Lost stats!

sheet here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dnd-donarsday-of-70389049


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