#WoD Wednesday: Elphaba Bell-Endor, Witch Vizier

Witches, according to @kennethhite, represent fear of the unnatural. Their familiars, an unnatural connection to nature, or a demonic spirit in animal form.

This one takes her name from a famous literary witch and two mythical ones.  A green skinned beauty in her Mien, she is a member of the Office of Vizieral Counsel, and acts as archivist and advisor to several freeholds. Her hedgebeast companion, or 'familiar', Grimalkin, is a hedge beast of remarkable abilities. She does, in fact, have a broom token that allows her to fly...or perhaps it is a fae mount. None are truly sure.

Elphaba, of course, is the name given to the Wicked Witch of the West in the prequel to the Wizard of Oz, Wicked.

The Bell Witch is famous near Adams, Tennessee.

The Witch of Endor used necromancy to interrogate dead prophets, in the Bible.

Sheet here https://www.patreon.com/posts/71653103


Late #WoD Wednesday: Bloodline: Sibyls (Requiem)


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