Legends of Rega: Bhel-Baidas, Archlich, aka the Scholomancer

The archlich is among the mightiest of foes, the pinnacle of the necrurgic and necromantic arts, as close as one can be to becoming a god of undeath without  that final apotheosis. The lack of a limb, or an eye, does not slow it, and becoming undead did not lessen its unholy power over other undead, but rather increased it. It searches for either those lost parts, or a ring of power it crafted, or an amulet, or a staff...some portion of its power that it no longer possesses...something that could well tip it over the edge into full, and terrible, godhood. 

This particular Archlich, the Scholomancer, is an ancient being, predating the Regan empire. His use name, Bhel-Baidas, means the White Terror, in ancient Skarian. Rumor attributes the first werewolves to his magic. One such terrible creature, the White Wolf, still serves him, nearly as old and mighty. He serves the god Metus, and to a lesser extent, Rixa and Interitus. His lair is hidden somewhere in the Skalpatian Mountains, deep within an eons old dungeon beneath a peak called the Kogaion, or 'sacred mountain'. Once a priest king of ancient Skaria, he turned to Metus, and to necrurgy, in his search for ultimate power and eternal life. His life is hidden in a mystic gem, rumored to have been made from his own heart, along with a certain amount of his power...and he lost it long ago, and seeks for it still. Some stories say he teaches young students the dark arts, and that he might have been the teacher of Mircea cel Diavol. He may have once been known as Decaenaeus. As evil as he is, he nonetheless opposes Vyzantos and its God-Emperor. Should he find the Ruby Heart of Bhel-Baidas, he might well become a new Dark God, and bring ruin to the world.

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